Playing Is Learning (P.I.L) has developed a game kit that contains 7 templates that are used to create educational games.

These game templates make it simple to develop educational games in any language, in any subject, and at any level of difficulty. The games are graphically pleasing and professionally made.

The process of creating these games develops the student’s learning abilities in areas such as focus on detail, categorization, collaboration, and self-direction. In addition the student can develop social skills such as team work, assertiveness, respect for other people’s work, and negotiation.

These games can be used as a part of teaching, reinforcement, review, and assessment, and/or measurement of knowledge of a new subject.


Make your own game in 3 easy steps:

Step 1 - Preparation phase:

In this step you have to decide what the subject of the game is, and what the information you want to use is.
In the kit, you will find a preparation sheet for every game to guide your planning.

On the preparation sheet write down the following information:

1. The general subject of the game.
2. The categories related the general subject.
3. The items / questions / answers for each category.

Step 2 - Printer phase:

After you write all the information for your game in the preparation sheet, you are ready to print out the game.

In the game kit, you will find a game CD. Insert the cd into the computer and choose the right game template for your game.

1. Write the information onto the template,
2. Save the game to your own computer,
3. Take the preparation sticker sheet from the kit game and insert it into your printer,
4. Print the game onto the stickers.

Step 3 - Sticker phase:

All you have to do now is:
- Remove the cards from the box.
   (The cards have the name of the game pre-written on them.)

- Apply the stickers to the white section of the appropriate cards.


Your game is ready to be played!!!

The Kit includes:

- 7 different games
   (Lotto, Memory, Go Fish, Tic Tac Toe, Path Track,
    Follow the Arrow, Dominoes)
   - 7 playing boards
   - 184 game cards
   - 1 die
   - 4 playing pieces
   - Preparation sheets (for each game)
   - Stickers (for each game)
   - Instruction booklet
   - Software disk to produce games

In order to use this kit properly, P.I.L offers teacher training.
This training will cover pedagogical use as well as the technical skills needed to implement this program properly.

The workshop will include the following aspects of the program:

1. Understanding the need and importance of active learning in the classroom.
2. Use of learning games as a way to establish active learning.
3. Practice using kit and materials to produce a games.





Dominoes Go Fish Memory Path Track Follow the Arrow Tic Tac Toe Lotto




25 cards


Go Fish


36 cards


40 cards

Path Track

1 board
5 green card
5 blue cards
5 yellow card
5 red cards

Follow the arrow

1 board
1 die
4 pawns
15 green cards
15 blue cards

1 board
5 X cards
5 O cards
15 questions cards


4 boards
4 category cards
24 cards

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